
Messaggio da parte di TERU in occasione del 3° anniversario del grande terremoto nell'est del Giappone

Teru ha condiviso un messaggio ( in giapponese ) tramite il sito dei GLAY insieme ad un file audio del pezzo che scrisse come sfogo e ringraziamento dopo quella terribile tragedia: "Thank you for your love". Si tratta della versione con Takuro e Sakuma san ( Sakuma Masahide ) scomparso lo scorso 16 Gennaio.

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Questa una traduzione approssimativa in inglese di quanto ha scritto, si capisce il senso delle sue parole:

March 11 , from the Great East Japan Earthquake , three years . I think it was three years you have spent in a variety of thought . Some persons who are forced to live in temporary housing still .What can you do to us ? I want you to feel better even a little . In essence such thought , also , that we can do , it is possible to deliver the music .Thank you for your love that immediately after the earthquake , received a message from the children of FAN work hard to desperately while still a great deal of thought in the affected areas to reach the twitter, was delivered on Twitter because I wanted to deliver a thought .The IC recorder , It was a simple sound source only was I recorded the recital with a musical instrument but , immediately after delivery , I heard in the shelter ! Thanks a bunch! And received a message that says , I was saved .There is also thought to say then , and want to send even more people , to March 31 , obtain help in TAKURO and Sakuma -san , then re-record the Thank you for your love, and I was allowed to be published on the radio .Unfortunately , Sakuma -san has passed away , but I think if , when I greeted this day , it 's that had delivered the music always .Believe in the power of music , today , today of the third year , let me deliver to you , that version .Your hearts , warm wind even a little like you will receive !

Trad.: Google.

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